The Use of Out-of-School Learning Environments and Artificial Entelliğince Tools in International Education Projects: The Case of the eTwinning Project
Our project is an international e-Twinning project conducted with partners from Turkey and Azerbaijan. The project involved 10 teachers and 60 students from three different schools. The main objective of our project is to better understand our city using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Web 2.0 tools in out-of-school learning environments. By utilizing the learning environments in our city for educational purposes, we aim to develop teaching content through AI and Web 2.0 tools. It has been observed that more interactive learning environments offered by AI and Web 2.0 tools significantly enhance learners’ abilities to produce, organize, evaluate information, and think critically. Out-of-school learning environments promote the recognition of natural, historical, and cultural settings by future generations, hands-on learning of curriculum outcomes, concrete experiences of abstract and complex events, increased attention and motivation, interdisciplinary relationships, and the development of personal and social skills. Within the scope of the project, 23 activities were conducted, utilizing the free versions of 23 different AI and Web 2.0 tools, aligning them with the curricular achievements and educational activities. This study was conducted using one of the qualitative research methods, phenomenology. The views of teachers and students regarding Artificial Intelligence, Web 2.0 tools, getting to know their city, and participation in projects were gathered both before and after the project. The findings obtained from the project revealed that participants developed positive attitudes towards participating in projects, gained a better understanding of AI, Web 2.0 tools, and their city, and learned that they could use these tools for educational purposes. It was also found that they considered the project beneficial. All members of our project were awarded the National Quality Label.